Enabling Operator Connect License
Once you have created a customer lead which has been successfully connected to Microsoft 365 (Microsoft Status is 'active'), you can apply the Live Platform license 'OC Essential'. In the process, a new CustomerID is generated for the new tenant together with a unique URL for accessing the Service portal. By default, Operator Connect is pre-configured to work with Microsoft Operator Connect ‘peering’ mode with two IP Groups, one for Teams side and the other for the SIP Trunk Operator side. If customers require SIP registration, you can configure the Advanced mode to create an additional unique IP group for the customer service.
In the New Leads page, select the desired lead , click ….,and then choose Change Status. |
From the Active drop-down list, select OC Essential. |
Enter the Short Name and Full Name of the service. The short name with the following validation rules: |
The string should be 3-15 characters long |
The following characters cannot be used: \ / : * ? " < > |audit |
Can contain letters (lower/UPPER case), Numbers and special characters are allowed, however cannot contain the dot (.) or blank spaces. |
Unique name per M365 Tenant |
From the LcCustomer drop-down list, choose the customer to attach to the service; enter the name of the customer in the search box. If your lead is assigned to a channel, then only customers who belong to the assigned channel are displayed in the list. |
If you wish to create customer with an IP Group , click Advanced Settings. |
Configure parameters according to the table below and then click Store & Close. |
SBC Onboarding Script
Apply one of the following scripts:
If all customers use the same Proxy Set, apply the 'UMP OcEssential default SBC Onboarding script: |
Creates an IP Group towards customer side, with tag: "Trunk=<MsTenantId>" and previously configured Operator’s ProxySet and IP Profile. |
Creates an IP Group towards Teams OC side, with tag: "Tenant=<MsTenantId>". |
If you select 'Carrier Registration' (see below), a rule is added to the Account Table for registration of the new IP Group towards the carrier IP Group. |
Each number uploaded for the customer in the “OCDialPlan” dial plan is assigned the dial plan tag <MsTenantId>. |
If each customer requires a dedicated Proxy Set, apply the Add OC BYOC Customer SBC Onboarding script: |
1 Proxy Set with IP address, port and transport type according to customer variables, filled during configuration. |
1 IP Group towards customer side, with tag: "Trunk=<MsTenantId>" and pre-defined “Unsecure” or “Secure” IP Profile. |
1 IP Group towards Teams OC side, with tag: "Tenant=<MsTenantId>". |
If you select 'Carrier Registration' (see below), a rule is added to the Account Table for registration of the new customer IP Group towards the Carrier IP Group. |
Each number uploaded for the customer in the “OCDialPlan” dial plan is assigned the dial plan tag <MsTenantId>. |
For more information, see SBC Template Scenarios
SBC Cleanup Script
Apply the relevant SBC Cleanup script (see SBC Template Scenarios).
Customer variables
Configure Customer variables that have been defined in the script. For example, IP-PBX credentials.
Proxy Set
SBC Proxy Set to apply to the PSTN gateway. The same Proxy set and Proxy Address can be used for multiple customers.
When using UMP OcEssential default SBC onboarding script, all customers’ IP Groups will use the same Operator’s Proxy Set (SIPTrunk in the example above). Ensure you choose the correct Proxy Set.
Carrier Registration
Select this option to perform SIP Account Registration for the Carrier trunk. This option is only relevant if you are connecting your Carrier to a SIP Trunk (when configuring SIP Trunk or BYOC). The selected carrier binds to the configured SIP Interface, Proxy Set and IP Profile on the SBC (where the same name is configured for all three entities on the SBC).
Username: Defines the digest MD5 Authentication username. The valid value is a string of up to 60 characters. By default, no value is defined. |
Password: Defines the digest MD5 Authentication password. The valid value is a string of up to 50 characters. Note: The password cannot be configured with wide characters. |
MainLine (Contact User): Defines the AOR username. This appears in REGISTER From/To headers as ContactUser@HostName |
Host Name: Defines the Address of Record (AOR) host name. The host name appears in SIP REGISTER From/To headers as ContactUser@HostName. |
Enable CAC
Enable Call Admission Control (CAC). From the drop-down list, select the desired CAC Profile including the desired number of call sessions.
Click to confirm. A message similar to the following is displayed; close the screen. |
The processing time for the Synchronization operation with the Live Platform server and Microsoft platform depends on the server load. Run the ' peering.sync-leads-job' job to refresh the Leads data and the 'peering.sync-trunks-job' job if you configured the 'Advanced Settings' (see Synchronizing Operator Connect Jobs). |
Select the All Customers tab and verify that 'OC Essential' is assigned as the License Type for the new lead. |
You can also view the new customer in the Live Platform.
Once the license is applied to the new lead, the customer tenant ID is appended to the login URL to the customer Multitenant portal as shown in the screens below.